So you've got an anxious attachment style and you're going through a breakup—tough combo, right? Your mind is probably buzzing with a million questions, not to mention those deep emotional waves you're riding.
This way of connecting to others likely started way back in your early years, and it's making this breakup thing even more intense.
But hey, let's tackle this head-on. We're gonna answer some burning questions you might have, and then dive into what you can expect to feel and how to deal.
What is Anxious Attachment?
Anxious attachment is not just a simple quirk; it's an ingrained pattern of relating to others that usually involves a hefty dose of emotional turbulence. Picture yourself on an emotional seesaw, if you will. One minute you're up in the clouds, feeling secure and loved, and the next you're plummeting, overwhelmed by fear and doubt. This internal instability often serves as the backdrop for your relationships, creating a complex tapestry of emotional highs and lows. Here are some key traits that bring this pattern into focus:
- Constant Need for Reassurance: You find yourself continually checking in, looking for signs that everything is okay.
- High Emotional Sensitivity: Criticism or perceived slights hit you harder than most.
- Fear of Abandonment: Even a simple goodbye can trigger worries about whether you'll ever see them again.
- Clinginess: You have a hard time giving people their space, partly because their distance feels like a threat.
- Preoccupation with Relationship Status: You might find yourself overanalyzing texts, body language, or conversations, always vigilant for the state of your relationship.
How is Anxious Attachment Caused?
Think of anxious attachment as a learned behavior, kind of like a psychological imprint that's formed over time. It's often the byproduct of your earliest experiences with the people you depended on most—your caregivers. When your emotional needs are met inconsistently during those formative years, it plants the seeds for anxiety around relationships later in life. Let's break it down a bit:
- Inconsistent Parenting: One day your caregivers are your biggest fans, the next day they're nowhere to be found, emotionally speaking.
- Emotional Highs and Lows: Your household may have been a rollercoaster of emotional ups and downs, making it hard to develop a stable sense of self.
- Conditioned Love: You might have learned early on that love and attention were rewards, not constants.
- Lack of Boundaries: Maybe your privacy wasn't respected or emotional boundaries were crossed, making it hard to understand healthy relational dynamics.
- Childhood Stressors: Events like divorce, illness, or frequent moves can exacerbate anxious tendencies, making you more prone to seek stability in relationships, even if it's to your detriment.
Feeling a little more clued in? Now, let's get into what happens when you blend this anxious attachment style with the emotional whirlwind of a breakup. On to Stage 1.
5 Stages of a Breakup for an Anxious Attachment Style
Stage 1: Denial
Okay, here we go—Stage 1 is all about denial. Imagine this: You're hit with the reality of the breakup, but something inside you just can't accept it. Your mind starts to churn out all kinds of thoughts like, "This can't be happening," or "They'll change their mind." It's almost like you're trying to rewrite the story before the ink even dries.
Why Denial Happens
When you have an anxious attachment style, denial is like your mind's initial defense mechanism. Your brain has gotten so used to the emotional seesaw that the idea of getting off it entirely feels impossible. You've put so much of yourself into maintaining the relationship—reading into every text, every gesture—that the sudden absence feels unreal.
What It Feels Like
You're likely going to experience an overwhelming urge to reach out, to clarify, to seek closure, or even to convince your ex to give it another shot. Your emotional system is on high alert, and it's tough to calm the storm. At this point, you might idealize your ex, remembering only the good times and forgetting the reasons that led to the breakup in the first place.
What to Do
Right now, your emotions are calling the shots, but this is the perfect time to hit the pause button. Instead of acting on impulse, try to sit with your feelings. If you've got a whirlpool of thoughts and emotions, jotting them down could offer a new perspective. Sometimes putting words to what you're feeling can help break the cycle of denial and move you closer to acceptance.
Stage 2: Anger
Welcome to Stage 2, where the spotlight shifts from denial to anger. This is the part where you might start asking, "How could they do this to me?" or even direct some of that anger toward yourself, thinking, "What did I do wrong?"
Why Anger Happens
Anger usually shows up when the reality starts to sink in—yes, this breakup is actually happening. With an anxious attachment style, this phase can be even more intense because you're not just losing a partner; it feels like you're losing a part of your emotional security blanket. The stakes are higher, and so is your emotional response.
What It Feels Like
The temptation to lash out can be strong, either directly at your ex or maybe through venting to friends. Your mind can go into overdrive, cycling through scenarios where you stand up for yourself or confront your ex about what went wrong. All of this mental rehearsal can feel liberating, but it can also keep you stuck in a loop of emotional turmoil.
What to Do
Firstly, recognize that anger, while uncomfortable, is a natural part of the healing process. It's okay to feel mad. The trick is not to let that anger consume you. If you find yourself constantly replaying angry scenarios, it might be a sign you need a healthier outlet. Physical exercise, getting creative, seeing friends, deep-breathing exercises, or journaling can serve as emotional pressure valves.
Stage 3: Bargaining
Alright, let's dive into Stage 3—Bargaining. This is the stage where you might catch yourself making all kinds of promises, not just to your ex but also to the universe. "If only they come back, I'll never complain about their habits ever again," you think. It's like you're trying to negotiate your way out of the pain, even if those negotiations are just with yourself.
Why Bargaining Happens
Bargaining is, in a way, your mind's last-ditch effort to regain control over a situation that's left you feeling incredibly vulnerable. With an anxious attachment style, the feeling of losing control can be magnified, making bargaining an almost irresistible stage. It offers a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, things can go back to the way they were.
What It Feels Like
You may start analyzing what went wrong in microscopic detail, convinced that identifying the "mistake" will bring a resolution and reunite you with your ex. Bargaining can manifest as incessant "what if" and "if only" statements that fill your mind or even conversations with friends.
What to Do
You may not be able to stop the bargaining thoughts entirely, but you can choose not to be swept away by them. This is a good time to turn inward and confront your fears and insecurities head-on. What are you really bargaining for? Is it love or is it the fear of being alone? Is it the person you miss, or is it the security and validation that came with them?
If you're finding it challenging to gain clarity on these swirling emotions, consider journaling your thoughts. Writing down your "what ifs" can help you see them for what they are—fleeting thoughts that don't have to define your reality.
Stage 4: Depression
As we venture into Stage 4, things get heavier; welcome to the Depression stage. This is where the weight of the breakup really starts to sink in. You might feel like you're walking around in a fog, your days tinged with sadness or even a feeling of emptiness.
Why Depression Happens
The emotional energy you've expended through the previous stages—denial, anger, bargaining—starts to wane, and what you're left with is a profound sense of loss. When you have an anxious attachment style, this loss can feel like a gaping hole, leaving you in a state where even simple tasks seem monumental.
What It Feels Like
You might start to withdraw from friends and activities that once brought you joy. Your motivation may be at an all-time low, and you could find yourself questioning your worth or your ability to ever find love again. The rollercoaster has dipped to its lowest point, and it's tough to see the ride ever going up again.
What to Do
First, know that it's okay to feel low; it's a natural part of the process. Depression might be a stage, but it's not a destination. Though it may sound paradoxical, sometimes you need to allow yourself to fully feel the sadness to get past it. However, don't let it consume you. Seek support from friends, family, or even a mental health professional. Engage in activities that, even if they don't make you feel "better," can make you feel "less bad."
Stage 5: Acceptance
And here we are, the final leg of this emotional journey—Acceptance. In this stage, the fog starts to lift, and you begin to see things more clearly. You're not just surviving the breakup anymore; you're coming to terms with it.
Why Acceptance Happens
Acceptance doesn't mean you're "over it"; rather, it's about arriving at a place where you can acknowledge the relationship for what it was, warts and all, without letting it hijack your emotional well-being. For someone with an anxious attachment style, reaching acceptance can be particularly empowering, as it signifies a newfound emotional resilience.
What It Feels Like
You'll notice that the compulsive need to check your ex's social media starts to wane, and thoughts of them no longer dominate your day. You start enjoying activities for their own sake, not as distractions. Most importantly, you feel a renewed sense of self, untethered from the relationship that once seemed to define you.
What to Do
This is the time to really focus on you. Revisit your goals, your desires, and your personal growth. It's the perfect stage to take inventory of what you've learned not just about relationships, but also about yourself. Reflect on the patterns you've identified and think about how you can approach things differently in the future.
How to Heal an Anxious Attachment Style
If you're still finding it hard to move through these stages and your anxious attachment style is making the breakup even more challenging, it might be time for a deeper dive. Our self-therapy journal, How to Heal an Anxious Attachment Style, is designed to guide you through the intricate maze of emotions and patterns that characterize this attachment style. The journal includes:
- Exercises to gain awareness of your patterns
- Prompts for shadow work to release emotional blockages
- Rewiring the subconscious mind
- Mindfulness techniques to help you stay present
Consider this journal your personal roadmap to not only surviving a breakup but also thriving in your emotional life moving forward. It offers you the tools to become more secure in your relationships—starting with the one you have with yourself.

Final Thoughts
As you navigate the multifaceted journey of a breakup, especially with the added layer of an anxious attachment style, remember that each stage you pass through is a step toward emotional growth and self-discovery.
The path may be fraught with ups and downs, but it's all part of the process that leads you to a deeper understanding of yourself and your needs in relationships.
The end of a romantic relationship can often be the catalyst for the beginning of a new, more authentic relationship with yourself. And if you find yourself stumbling along the way, know that tools like our self-therapy journal How to Heal an Anxious Attachment Style are there to support you as you forge ahead into a future of healthier, more secure attachments.