If you're prone to feelings of insecurity, fear or anxiety then root chakra shadow work journal prompts can help you to overcome past trauma relating to these emotions. This powerful journaling technique can be quite confronting but ultimately leads to transformation and healing. Let's explore how they work:
What is the Root Chakra?
The root chakra is the first of the 7 chakras which are the main energy centres of the body. Each has a specific location on the body and is responsible for regulating a particular set of emotions. The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is the foundational chakra which deals with your base instincts. It regulates emotions relating to security, safety and survival.
These emotions can relate to your basic physical needs like food, water and shelter, but more importantly in today's society relate to your emotional need for security, safety and feeling grounded. When these needs aren't met your root chakra is blocked which can be detrimental to your physical, mental and emotional health.
Practicing root chakra shadow work prompts is a powerful way to process your emotions and unblock this chakra.
Physical Symptoms of a Blocked Root Chakra
- Inflammation
- Shortened breath
- Intestinal issues (constipation, diarrhoea)
- Sluggishness
- Cramps
Mental Symptoms of a Blocked Root Chakra
- Fear
- Anxiety
- Insecurity
- Lethargy
- Pessimism
What is the Shadow Self?
Your shadow self is the innermost parts of yourself that you keep suppressed and hidden. It's where you store al of your deepest fears, regrets, shame and desires. We subconsciously suppress these emotions as a tactic of avoidance, as we fear facing our trauma. Carl Jung, the psychologist who created this concept states that the unconscious shadow self will sabotage even your most well-meant intentions.
We develop our shadow self quite early on during the ages of 0-7 years old. During this time, both hemispheres of the brain are firing as we absorb all of the conditioning from our families, friends, schooling and society like a sponge.
Through these observations you start to develop your personality or Ego. By the age of 8 years old you have solidified the majority of your belief systems which become deeply ingrained in the subconscious mind. Without you even realising, this set of belief systems will follow you into adulthood and affect all of your decision-making.
Shadow work prompts will delve into childhood to discover where your inherent belief systems manifest from. This will help you to pinpoint where your behaviour comes from.
What are Shadow Work Prompts?
Shadow work prompts are a form of journaling that will help to unearth trauma relating to your specific needs. Root chakra shadow work prompts will delve into all of your past emotions relating to fear, security, safety and anxiety. This will help you to identify what past trauma is subconsciously sabotaging your decision making. By writing your answers down on paper you are physicalising your thoughts and allowing yourself space to think, let go and heal.
How to Practice Root Chakra Shadow Work Prompts
Choose a time in your day where you have some time to yourself. This can be quite an emotionally taxing practice, so ensure that you feel safe and comfortable in your space. This will allow you to connect with the emotions that arise when you answer your prompts.
We recommend choosing 10 of the prompts below that resonate most with you. If you feel uncomfortable when reading a particular one then that's probably your best option. Using a pen and paper is best as it gives you time to really process your emotions, but typing will work as well.
Be as detailed as you can when answering your prompts and take your time with it. Don't hold back with your answers, don't censor yourself or worry about what anyone might think. Remember, this is just for you.
23 Root Chakra Shadow Work Prompts
- When was the first time you remember feeling secure in your home life? In terms of physical needs, did you always have everything you needed growing up? If not, what did you lack and how did it make you feel?
- As a child, who was the person that made you feel the safest? Why did they make you feel safe?
- Did either of your parents ever seem fearful about; life, money, the future, what other's think, making mistakes? As a child what did you think of this parent's reactions to things? Do you see yourself recreating these patterns as an adult?
- What is your earliest childhood memory of feeling scared? What were you scared of and why?
- When in your life have you felt the most unstable? Who were the people in your life at the time? What role did they play in you feeling unstable?
- Did you ever feel like you were left out as a child? Who left you out and how did it make you feel? Do you still have feelings of being unwanted as an adult?
- Where is your safe space? Why do you feel safe in this space? Who do you allow into this space and why?
- When life feels chaotic what or who do you turn to? What makes you feel like everything's going to be okay? Do you avoid people? Why?
- Did you ever feel pressured to do things you didn't want to do as a child? Who pressured you? Why did you feel pressured? How do you feel now when someone pressures you to do something that you don't want to do? How can you respond to this better in the future?
- Who or what can you let go of to feel more safe and secure? Why is it so hard to let go of this/them? What can you do to take steps towards letting it/them go?
- When is the first time you set a boundary? Do you remember what that boundary was and who it was with? How did the person react? How did it make you feel? Do you think you could be better at setting boundaries?
- How do you feel in your body? Are you happy with the way you look? If not, why? What's 3 things about yourself that you love? How can you put more emphasis on these traits?
- How do you support yourself in times of stress? Do you cope on your own or do you reach out to people? If you self isolate, why do you feel as though no one would be willing to help you?
- How do you react when you're feeling unsafe? Is it a healthy response? What can you do to better respond the next time you feel unsafe?
- Do you allow yourself to receive help from others? If not, why do you isolate yourself? Why don't you think you're worthy of help? Do you feel like you'll owe them something? If so, why? How can you be more open to receiving support?
- How do you feel about intimate relationships? Do you feel secure or anxious in a relationship? Why do feelings of abandonment arise for you during relationships?
- Can you remember the first time you felt abandoned or rejected? What does rejection mean to you? How did you respond to this? Did you blame yourself? If so, why? How did you feel about what the other person did? Can you forgive them and move forward?
- Do you use sex as a mechanism to get close to someone? Does it create a false sense of security for you?
- When do you feel the most present? Is there a time where you can put away your phone and not be distracted and feel great about it? What are you doing? How can you participate in this more?
- How are you currently feeling about your living situation? Are you grateful for what you have or do you want for more? It's always great to set goals to achieve more but what are some things about your current circumstances that you can be grateful for?
- When your energy feels depleted what do you do to refresh? Do you prioritize your needs? Who comes first for you and why? Do you feel like you could take better care of yourself and by virtue of that take better care of others?
- What can you do for yourself this week that will make you feel happy and supported? How does it feel when you actively do things to make yourself happy?
- What are some things you can practice to reduce your anxiety and stress? Can you make this a part of your weekly routine? If so, where are you going to start?
Final Thoughts
Root chakra shadow work prompts are a powerful journalling tool that help to identify your issues relating to fear, security and safety. Answering shadow work prompts will help you to identify and move past stagnant emotions that are being stored in the system.
When you become aware of your subconscious belief systems, it will allow you to work through all of the self-sabotaging behaviour that you experience as an adult and ultimately lead to transformation.
If you practiced any of these root chakra shadow work prompts, we'd love to hear from you. Contact us and let us know how the practice felt or if you have any questions.