Many of us go through sexual lulls, struggle with our sexuality or even crave sex a little too much. Having issues relating to sex can feel quite isolating, but you're not alone. Practicing self-healing modalities to achieve a Kundalini awakening will help to activate your sexual tantric energy which can lead to a transformative, orgasmic and healing experience.
What is Kundalini Energy?
Kundalini is a Sanskrit term that refers to the coiled up primal energy that resides at the base of the spine. This energy is the life force energy or consciousness that we're all born with. It's often depicted as a sleeping serpent.
Your Kundalini energy runs from the base of the spine to the top of the head. For most of us, this energy lays dormant at the base of the spine or root chakra, meaning we lack balance and free flowing energy. Blockages in these chakras are expressed in symptoms like; fear, anxiety, lack of sex drive, feeling passionless and more.
The proximity of this dormant energy to the root and sacral chakras is what makes this energy sexual in nature. When you heal any repressed trauma and work to unblock your sacral chakra, your Kundalini energy flows through your sexual organs and awakens your sexual energy.
What are the Chakras?
The 7 chakras are the mean energy centres of the body. Each chakra is located at a specific location in the body and is responsible for regulating specific emotions. When all 7 chakras are in alignment you will feel physically healthy and mentally strong. When your chakras are blocked it can wreak havoc on both your physical and mental health.
If you're having issues relating to sex, these are signs of a blocked sacral chakra. Blockages of the sacral chakra can create iIssues relating to sex, intimacy and passion. This trauma is all stored in the body and can be activated through modalities like; shadow work, breathwork and affirmations.
Kundalini Sex & The Sacral Chakra
Kundalini sex is only achieved with an open sacral chakra. The sacral chakra is the second chakra and is located at the lower abdomen, below the naval. It's the major emotional driver for passion, pleasure, sex, reproduction and creativity.
On a physical level, it plays a vital role in the condition of your reproductive organs, large intestines, bladder and kidneys. When your sacral chakra is opened you will feel intense sexual energy surge through the body, a passion for life and confidence in your sexuality.
Blocked Sacral Chakra Symptoms
Blockages in the sacral chakra manifest from stored trauma relating to sex in the body and subconscious mind. When this chakra is blocked you may experience symptoms which generally manifest in one of two ways, either you have an under-active or overactive sacral chakra.
Symptoms of an Under-Active Sacral Chakra
- Lack of sex drive
- Difficulty receiving pleasure
- Constantly fantasising
- Feeling shameful about sex
- Feeling obligated to have sex
- No passion
- Sexual repression
- Emotional isolation
Symptoms of an Overactive Sacral Chakra
- Overactive sex drive
- Obsessing over someone
- Burnout
- Feeling overwhelmed by emotion
- Jealousy
- Toxic attachment to others
- Sexual Addiction
- Codependency
- Controlling behaviour
If you identify with any of the above symptoms, you're not alone. Healing the sacral chakra takes a little work, but when unblocked you'll feel an intense surge of orgasmic sexual energy leading to a more powerful and balance sex life.
How to Unblock the Sacral Chakra
In order to heal the sacral chakra, you need to first work on your subconscious trauma relating to sex. This trauma is the leading contributor to all of the harmful symptoms you're experiencing. You can tap into this trauma through a number of modalities like; shadow work prompts, chakra breathwork and affirmations.
1. Sacral Chakra Shadow Work Prompts
Shadow work prompts are a powerful journalling technique. When practicing these prompts for the sacral chakra you'll write down answers to questions relating to sex.
Writing your thoughts down onto paper is a powerful way to work through your trauma and identify where your issues relating to sex come from. Here are some sacral chakra shadow work journal prompts to get you started:
- What is your first memory of understanding what sex was? Was it a big deal to you or do you barely remember?
- What happened during your first sexual experience? How did you feel afterwards? Why did you feel this way?
- When was the first time you were sexually rejected? How did it make you feel? How did you move on from this rejection? If you didn't, how did it affect you moving forward?
- Who is someone you regret being sexual with? Why do you regret it? Can you let go of this regret and forgive them and yourself?
- When was the last time you felt sexually desired? Why did you feel desired?
- What do you see as a perfect sexual relationship? What are you and your partner doing together? What is the after care like?
- How do you feel about your body? Do you feel sexually attractive? What can you do to make yourself feel more confident in your body?
2. Sacral Chakra Breathwork
Practicing sacral chakra breathwork is a powerful way to achieve balance and unblock this chakra. Breathwork activates the parasympathetic nervous system which places the body in a relaxed and altered state of consciousness. In this calm state you gain access to repressed memories and trauma in the subconscious mind.
This is an active form of meditation and is not meant for relaxation. It is a pranayama mouth breathing technique, meaning you both inhale and exhale from the mouth. Each breath should be equal in length forming a triangular pattern. You may want to play the solfeggio frequency 417hz whilst doing this meditation for a more powerful effect.
If you feel lightheaded at any point during this meditation please stop the practice.
- Find some time to be alone (phone on silent)
- Set a gentle alarm on your phone for 5 minutes
- Lie down flat on the floor, with your back straight (no pillows)
- Close your eyes
- Settle into your space
- Focus on the area of the sacral chakra - below the naval
- Breathe in through the mouth in the belly
- Without pausing, breathe in a second time through the mouth into the chest
- Exhale through the mouth with an audible sigh
- Repeat this triangular breathing pattern for 5 minutes
- Do not take pauses between breaths
- When the alarm sounds, lay in this feeling for as long as you can
- Wiggle your fingers and toes, open your eyes and get up when you're ready
3. Sacral Chakra Affirmations
Practicing sacral chakra affirmations is another powerful practice to heal and open this energy centre. When you're experience issues relating to sex, it means there's something happening in your subconscious mind that is making you feel negative or avoidant about it. By using sacral chakra affirmations you are effectively reprogramming your subconscious mind and feeding it new positive information.
For example, if your dominant belief is no one wants me, then your subconscious mind will keep feeding you messages confirming that you're not desirable. By reframing this negative thought with a positive affirmation like I am wanted and desired you're sending new signals to the brain that will help to heal and open the sacral chakra, leading to a more pleasurable and abundant sex life. You can find 36 sacral chakra affirmations here.
Final Thoughts
Going through difficulties relating to sex can feel quite isolating. Working to unblock your sacral chakra is a great self-healing modality. By working through your repressed trauma you heal and open this centre leading to a transformation in your sexual energy. This will lead to a healthier and more passionate sex life.