We all suffer from insecurity in one way or another; some more than most. This can be an extremely challenging issue to deal with, as most people don't realise it all stems from past trauma.
Practicing shadow work prompts can help you to discover where the root cause of your insecurity lies and help you heal from these issues and transform your life. Let’s get into how.
What is the Shadow Self?
Your shadow self is simply all of the aspects of your personality that are unconscious. They’re the deepest parts of you that you either repress or deny.
These emotions can range from your desires, needs, fears or shame to your deepest insecurities. The shadow self is not inherently negative, we all have this shadow, it’s just a part of you that until recognised can cause a lot of emotional and physical pain.
When you’re suffering from crippling insecurity, shadow work prompts can help you to integrate and embrace your shadow self and through this awareness gain profound personal growth and spiritual evolution.
What are Shadow Work Prompts?
When you do shadow work prompts, you’re asking yourself deep questions that will reveal things about yourself that you hadn’t even noticed.
It’s a tool designed to bring the shadow self to your conscious awareness. As you become more aware of where your behaviour comes from you start to self-reflect and confront all of you hidden insecurities and fears.
Engaging in shadow work prompts offers a transformative journey of self-discovery, healing, and self-acceptance.
Signs that You Are Dealing with Insecurity
Insecurities can manifest in various ways, affecting our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Here are some common signs that indicate you might be dealing with insecurity:
- You constantly doubt yourself and your decisions
- Your mind is filled with negative self thought
- You compare yourself to others and feel lesser than them
- You seek validation and approval
- You have a fear of failure which leads to perfectionism
- You have difficult asserting boundaries and saying no
- You avoid taking risks for fear of judgment
- You self-criticize but are sensitive to criticism from others
- You don’t feel worthy of love or success
- You overcompensate for your flaws or weaknesses
- You have social anxiety and fear of rejection
Shadow Work Prompts for Insecurity
Remember that embarking on the shadow work journey can be quite emotionally taxing. Be sure to do this when you have some time to yourself and can put all of your energy and focus into answering these questions.
Note: Feel free to choose and adapt the prompts that resonate with you, answering them in a journal for the best results.
- Think back to your childhood, who was your hero? As an adult how do you perceive this person?
- When was the first time you felt insecurity as a child? Can you remember the moment when you suddenly felt self conscious? What triggered this?
- When was the first time you felt let down as a child? Do you remember what happened? How did this affect the way you accepted help or love?
- What were the belief systems that your parents/guardians had growing up? Do you believe in the same things? How are you the same/different?
- What beliefs were pushed on you as a child that you resent as an adult? Do you think this affects your behaviour?
- When you’re feeling insecure do you engage in self-sabotaging behaviors? What do you do?
- Can you identify any underlying beliefs or assumptions that contribute to your insecurities? (i.e. this is too difficult? I’ll never make it)
- Do your insecurities stop you from engaging in certain things that you want to do? What are these things and why do you avoid them?
- Are there any external influences (social media, cultural expectations, parental pressure) that contribute to your feelings of insecurity?
- Do you compare yourself to others? Why do you do this? How does this make you feel?
Insecurity & Anxious Attachment Style
If you're really struggling with insecurity, it could be attributed to an anxious attachment style. Our self-therapy journal, How to Heal an Anxious Attachment Style, provides guidance and tools to support your journey.
It's a comprehensive self-therapy journal that delves into understanding and addressing your attachment style, which develops during childhood. The journal incorporates a range of shadow work prompts, empowering you to access the depths of your subconscious mind where memories and traumas reside. These prompts aim to facilitate your healing process and promote personal growth.
Within the journal, you will also discover affirmations that are specifically designed to rewire your brain and cultivate a more secure attachment style. By working through the insecurities rooted in your anxious attachment style, you can foster healthier relationships and increase your overall sense of security.

Final Thoughts:
If you’ve made it this far congratulations! Doing your shadow work prompts is an emotionally taxing but ultimately liberating experience. It takes courage to be self-reflective and you’ve done an amazing job!
Remember self-acceptance and healing is a journey, this isn’t a one time fix all type of situation. Keep asking yourself the tough questions and reflecting on your behavior to make the changes you need to transform your life. You’ve taken a huge step here today and you should be proud of yourself!