If you're in the mood for mind bending awesomeness then these are the perfect movies for you. We've compiled an eclectic list of the Top 10 Spiritual Movie Must Sees, with titles that range from; light and fun, powerful and thought-provoking to dark and completely dystopian.
1. The Matrix (1999)
IMDB Rating: 8.7
The Matrix isn't just a badass dystopian sci-fi film starring Keanu Reeves, it is a powerful allegory to spiritual awakenings. Neo goes from living in the unawakened state (taking the blue pill) to experiencing the nature of reality (taking the red pill) as he experiences a powerful Ego death and rebirth into the true world. Although it was released in 1999, The Matrix still holds up both with the incredible storyline and visual graphics. It's the type of movie that will have you questioning your reality.
2. Soul (2020)
IMDB Rating: 6.6
This is one of the most incredibly deep animated movies we've ever seen. Soul follows the life of a music teacher named Joe who spends his entire life living in depression and regret, chasing his dream to become a famous musician. After falling into a manhole, Joe is transported to another realm. He is afforded the opportunity to live out his dreams, all to realise that he's still unhappy. With Jamie Foxx and Tina Fey voicing the lead characters you know it'll be good. This one is profound for the adults and a lot of fun for the kids, a perfect movie with an incredible message.
3. The Secret (2006)
IMDB Rating: 5.6
If you're ready to be awakened or would like to strengthen your belief in manifestation then “The Secret” is the perfect documentary for you. With heaps of hype amongst the spiritual community, The Secret, based on the book by Rhonda Byrne shares a powerful message on how we are the ultimate creators of our reality.
4.The Truman Show (1998)
IMDB Rather: 8.2
Truman Burbank lives a pretty ordinary life until he starts to gradually realise that something isn't right. He begins to question everything in his waking life and spirals to the threshold of madness. This Jim Carrey flick will make you question your reality, is life as we know it on earth real and if not…who's watching?
5. Samsara (2011)
IMDB Rating: 8.4
Samsara is a powerful documentary filmed in 25 countries over 5 years. It takes us on a non-verbal journey through the immeasurable reaches of spirituality. You will explore the human experience across the world in a truly unique way, delving into themes of the ever turning wheel of life and the interconnected nature of humanity and nature.