What to Write in Your Couples Journal
Katherine Akbari Jul 25, 2024
Are you struggling to connect with your partner? Journal prompts are a powerful way for couples to reconnect, learn about each other and reclaim that spark.
Causes of an Avoidant Attachment Style
Katherine Akbari Apr 04, 2024
An avoidant attachment style is caused by your childhood upbringing, where you subconsciously take on the attachment styles of your caregivers without realising
Triggers for a Disorganized Attachment Style
Katherine Akbari Apr 04, 2024
Triggers for a disorganized attachment style or fearful avoidants can be quite confusing as the push and pull dynamic of this style craves closeness but also rejects it
7 Signs You're Experiencing Limerence
Katherine Akbari Jul 26, 2023
Limerence is the feeling of infatuation that takes over you're entire personality, it is often linked to an anxious attachment style. Here are 7 signs you're experiencing limerence
Shadow Work Prompts for Breakups
Katherine Akbari Jul 26, 2023
Shadow work prompts for breakups will help you to heal your trauma and work through any internal blockages to help you move on