If you're feeling a little sexually meh, lacking passion or are simply in a creative slump then you may have a blockage of the sacral chakra. We've found the best sacral chakra crystals to help achieve balance in this energy centre and lead to transformation and healing.
What is the Sacral Chakra?
The sacral chakra is the major driver of our sexuality, passion, pleasure and joy. It's the second chakra which is represented by the fiery color orange and is located at the lower abdomen, below the naval. Due to its positioning above our reproductive organs, it governs our emotions relating to sexuality and creativity. All of your creative fire and desires are born from the sacral chakra. When this energy centre is open you should have a balanced sex drive, zest for life and an overall feeling of abundance.
Is my Sacral Chakra Blocked?
When the sacral chakra is blocked you'll feel a general sense of boredom and a lack of motivation. It may manifest as feelings of depression, anxiety and insecurity which all have the effect of dulling your emotional senses. You may misunderstand these emotions or be branded as "lazy" by others, but in reality it could be a blockage in this emotional energy centre.
Blockages in the sacral chakra generally manifest in one of two ways, either it is overactive or under-active. If you resonate with any of the following you may have a blockage in this energy centre:
Under-active Sacral Chakra Signs
- Lack of sex drive
- Depression
- Insecurity
- Difficulty receiving pleasure
- Feeling shameful about sex
- Not feeling desirable
- Feeling passionless
- Unmotivated
- Creatively blocked
- Feeling disconnected from others
- Sexually repressed
- Emotional isolation
Overactive Sacral Chakra Signs
- Sexual addiction
- Obsessive behaviour
- Burn out
- Porn addiction
- Jealousy
- Toxic attachment style
How to Use Sacral Chakra Crystals
Sacral chakra crystals are a powerful tool when paired with other healing modalities. These crystals will help to raise your energy and connect more deeply during meditation, breathwork, affirmations and journaling. You can place the crystals on your body in the sacral chakra's location as you lie down to meditate, place them in your pocket, wear them as jewellery or simply hold a stone in your hands.
5 Best Sacral Chakra Crystals for Healing
1. Orange Calcite

Orange calcite is an incredible tool to boost sexuality, self love and self confidence. It mirrors the color of the sacral chakra and can help you find emotional balance. This sunny and bright stone energizes you with warmth and can feel quite nourishing. It can help to cleanse feelings of stress and anxiety and bring you more feelings of joy and abundance.
2. Carnelian

Carnelian is the crystal of creativity, art and passion. It has hues of the sunset and is a balancing crystal that helps to open channels to your creativity. If you're feeling passionless or like you're in a creative slump, carnelian is the crystal for you. It will help boost feelings of joy and revitalize your creative confidence.
3. Sunstone

This gorgeous brown/orange stone is bound to bring you some positive energy. Fiery in nature, this crystal expels negative energy and brings feelings of warmth and vitality. It will help promote feelings of joy even from the most simple of pleasures. Try having this stone while out in nature to feel the full benefits of its radiating energy.
4. Amber

With its warm golden undertones, amber is the perfect stone to clear sacral chakra blockages. It's known as the stone of courage and can help you to combat feelings of anxiety and insecurity. Though it's actually fossilized resin and not strictly a crystal, amber can help to enliven your connection to sexuality, pleasure and passion. If you're looking for more steamy sex and spontaneity then amber is the crystal for you.
5. Tiger's Eye

The tiger's eye crystal will give you a boost to your self-confidence, security and vigour. This is a very stabilizing and grounding crystal that can help appease insecurity and shame. It has earthy brown tones with warm orange stripes and flecks of gold. It can bring about transformation and change to your life as it is the stone of vibration, will-power and protection.
Final Thoughts
Adding sacral chakra crystals to your spiritual practice will help boost your vibrational energy. When paired with modalities like meditation, breathwork, affirmations or journaling, crystals have the power to have a healing and transformational affect on the mind and body. Orange calcite, carnelian, sunstone, amber and tiger's eye crystals all have the power to make you feel more passionate, creative and sexually driven.