Why Avoidants Keep Their Ex as an Option
Katherine Akbari Sep 15, 2023
Explore why avoidants keep their exes as options and idealize past relationships. Unlock the emotional intricacies of avoidant attachment styles for healthier relationships.
12 Signs They're Breadcrumbing You
Katherine Akbari Aug 28, 2023
Breadcrumbing is the act of leading someone on through inconsistent communication, this is often done to keep someone interested without having to commit.
How Long Should a Talking Stage Last?
Katherine Akbari Aug 19, 2023
If you're wondering how long a talking stage should last you have to take into account a number of different factors like attachment style and connection.
How Your Culture Impacts Your Attachment Style
Pauline Walters Aug 15, 2023
Your culture has a direct impact on your attachment style as you learned how to love from your parents and family members which will follow you into adulthood.
How Awareness Helps Heal Your Attachment Style
Katherine Akbari Jul 31, 2023
Awareness of your attachment style is the first step toward healing past trauma and becoming more secure in all of your relationships.
10 Signs they're Love Bombing You
Katherine Akbari Jul 27, 2023
We explain what love bombing is and give you 10 signs you're being love bombed. We explain how narcissism and manipulation play a part in the love bombers motives.