So you've read about the chakras, but still aren't sure how it all works? We break down what each chakra represents, explain which emotional issues you need to work on and help you to identify if your chakras are blocked.
What are the Chakras?
The 7 chakras are said to be the main energy centres of the body. We're all born with what is known as Kundalini energy or consciousness. From birth our Kundalini energy lays dormant at the base of the spine, meaning that we lack proper energy flow in the body. This energy is depicted as a serpent and remains coiled up until it's awakened.
This energy is blocked due to all of your conditioning, trauma and emotional hardships; anything that you have repressed is emotion stored in the body. When you store stagnant energy in the body it can wreak havoc on both your mental and physical health.
When awakened the Kundalini energy travels from the base of the spine up to the crown of the head. When all 7 chakras are open and healed it is said that you've reached spiritual enlightenment.
Chakras & Emotional Energy
Each of the 7 chakras has a distinct location on the body, is represented by a color and frequency and is responsible for regulating specific emotions. These emotions range from your baser instincts like fight or flight, to issues relating to sex, confidence, love, expression and intuition.
When the chakras are blocked it means that you have repressed trauma that can present itself in your self-sabotaging behaviour.
Working through the chakras starting with the root chakra and making your way up in order to the crown chakra will help you to unearth any subconscious blockages that are holding you back. This can be done through modalities like:
- Breathwork
- Shadow Work
- Chakra Work
- Journaling
- Listening to Sound Frequencies
7 Chakra Guide for Beginners
1. Root Chakra
The root chakra is the first chakra, which is located at the base of the spine and sets the foundation for your emotional healing. Your Kundalini energy lays dormant here until you've worked through issues relating to the root chakra. This chakra relates to your baser instincts of survival, safety and security. It is often blocked when a person is anxious and living with a fight or flight mentality, has scattered energy or is generally fearful.
Color: Red
Frequency: 396hz
Location: Base of the spine
Signs of a Blocked Root Chakra
- Anxiety
- Fear
- Scattered energy
- Feels unsafe
- Disconnected from self
- Disconnected from nature
Signs of an Open Root Chakra
- Feels safe
- Feels grounded
- Deep connection to self
- Deep connection to nature
2. Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra is the second chakra and is located below the naval. It's represented by the color orange and regulates emotions relating to sexuality, passion and creativity. This is where you access your passion and sexual energy. When blocked it generally manifests as one of two things, either it's overactive or under active. Though the signs are different, they both lead to stagnant energy in your sexual and creative desires.
Color: Orange
Frequency: 417hz
Location: Below the naval
Signs of a Blocked Sacral Chakra
- Lack of sexual desire or sex addict
- Lack of creativity or periods of creativity and burnout
- Difficulty receiving pleasure
- Emotional isolation
- Feeling passionless
- General disinterest in life
- Jealousy and obsessive behaviour
- Sexual shame or sexual promiscuity
Signs of an Open Sacral Chakra
- Healthy intimate relationships
- High sexual condfidence
- Balanced sex life
- Creatively abundant
- Finds joy in simple things
- Deeply connected to sexuality
3. Solar Plexus Chakra
The solar plexus is the third chakra and is located above the navel and below the chest. It's represented by the color yellow and regulates emotions relating to confidence, self esteem and personal identity. If you are struggling with self limiting belief systems, a lack of confidence or having issues relating to personal identity, these are signs that you have a blockage in this energy centre.
Color: Yellow
Frequency: 528hz
Location: Above the naval
Signs of a Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra
- Under confidence
- Overconfidence
- Victim mentality
- Lack of willpower
- Manipulative
- Self doubt
- Obsessive or compulsive behaviour
Signs of an Open Solar Plexus Chakra
- Self confidence
- High self esteem
- Strong ability to communicate
- Open and honest about yourself
- Strong sense of self
4. Heart Chakra
The heart chakra is the fourth chakra and is located at the centre of the chest. It's represented by the color green and regulates emotions relating to love, empathy and forgiveness. Having a blocked heart chakra affects your relationship to self and others. If your heart chakra is blocked you will often suffer from an unhealthy attachment style, lack of compassion or be obsessive about love.
Color Green
Frequency 639hz
Location Green
Signs of a Blocked Heart Chakra
- Fear of Intimacy
- Deep loneliness
- Depression
- Difficulty receiving love
- Constant fantasizing
- Jealousy and possessiveness
- Clingy
- Resentful
Signs of an Open Heart Chakra
- Love effortlessly
- Comfort in being alone
- Healthy attachment style
- Compassionate
- Empathetic but not overly so
- Comfortable giving and receiving love
- Healthy boundaries
5. Throat Chakra
The throat chakra is the fifth chakra and is located at the centre of the throat. It's represented by the color blue and is your major expression centre. It's no surprise that it is positioned near the muscles responsible for breathing, speech and swallowing as it regulates your expression, authenticity and communication. When this energy centre is blocked it generally manifests in two extremes, either you are over expressive or under expressive.
Color: Blue
Frequency: 741hz
Location: Centre of the throat
Signs of a Blocked Throat Chakra
- Too loud or too shy
- Bad at listening or never speaks
- Arrogance
- Cockiness
- Difficulty communicated
- Overly opinionated or too quiet
- Nervous energy
- Lies about themselves and others
Signs of an Open Throat Chakra
- Speaks their truth
- Express themselves clearly
- Comfortable in social settings
- Communicate with ease
- Not easily manipulated
6. Third Eye Chakra
The third eye chakra is the sixth chakra and is the beginning of the shift from your emotional energy centres to your intuitive ones. It is located between the brows and is represented by the color purple. This centre is closely related to the pineal gland which is responsible for regulating your circadian rhythm and produces melatonin. When opened it allows you to access your greater intuition, imagination and understand.
Color: Purple
Frequency: 852hz
Location: Centre of the forehead between the brows
Signs of a Blocked Root Chakra
- Indecision
- Lack of direction
- Paranoia
- Detachment
- Lack of awareness
- Confusion
- Disconnection from reality
Signs of an Open Root Chakra
- Great awareness
- Deep connection to yourself
- Trust in your intuition
- Wisdom
- Calm demeanour
- Rarely lets anything get to them
7. Crown Chakra
The crown chakra is the seventh and final chakra and when opened is said to lead to spiritual enlightenment. It's located at the top of the head and is represented by the colors white or violet. This chakra will not open unless the first six chakras are healed and balanced. When opened energy flows freely through the body leading to a sense of ecstasy and bliss that few will feel in their lifetime.
Color: White or Violet
Frequency: 936hz
Location: Above the head
Signs of a Blocked Root Chakra
- Claims to be enlightened
- Obsessed with spirituality
- A cynical mindset
- Obsession with the material world
- Having no purpose or direction
- Stuck in a cycle of bad decisions
- Lacks true empathy
- Feigns belief in themselves
Signs of an Open Root Chakra
- Calm and open presence
- Sense of bliss
- Greater awareness
- Deep connection to nature and all living things
- Absolute presence
Final Thoughts
Having a great awareness of your chakras is an important step on your self healing journey. When you can identify self limiting beliefs, you can actively work to heal yourself and transform your life. Working on the chakras in tandem with modalities like breathwork, shadow work, listening to sound frequencies and journaling can help to heal in a more holistic way.
Opening your chakras is not something that can be done short term, this takes time, patience and practice but can ultimately be truly life changing.